Bulk Import using Add docs to selected catalog

Bulk Import using Add docs to selected catalog

Bulk Import of electronic files can be done in Content Central using the "Add docs to selected catalog" feature from the Catalog Manager. 


1. Identify the Catalog Destination Folder.

From the Content Central Server, launch Catalog Manager.

Under "List of Catalogs", click to highlight the selected Catalog to add documents to. 

Click "Modify" to launch the "Modify Catalog" pop-up menu.

In the "Modify Catalog" pop-up menu, click "Folders" tab to identify the "Destination Folder" for the selected Catalog. 

Close the "Modify Catalog" pop-up menu.

2. Copy the electronic files under the folder path of the Catalog Destination Folder in the preferred folder structure and filename.

3. Start Bulk Import.

In the Catalog Manager, while the preferred catalog is highlighted, select "Add docs to selected catalog".

Click "Go".

The "The catalog should update shortly...." prompt will show. 

Close the prompt. Close Catalog Manager. 

4. Verify the Electronic Files are added to the Catalog Folder from the Content Central Website.

In the Content Central Website, go to the "Folder Browser" > Catalog Folder. 

Folder and document file items will be added based the folder structure they are copied under the Catalog Destination Folder.

The document files will have the same filename as they are copied under the folder structure under the Catalog Destination Folder.

The documents are assigned to the selected Catalog and the default Document Type of the Catalog.

The documents do not have any Properties or Field Values. 

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