This applies to Content Central v7.
External Data Source
Field-Lookup Integration uses External Data Source that is linked to Content Central through ODBC Connection.
External Data Source can be configured/linked to Content Central from the Administration Page.
Login as Admin or member of the Administrators Group
Go to Administration > External Data Sources
Open/Update the External Data Source Table using the native application.
When updating the ‘External Data Source Table(s)’ –
Field-Lookup Integration
Field-Lookup Integration to use a configured External Data Source that can be setup from the Administration Page.
Login as Admin or member of the Administrators Group.
Go to Administration > Catalogs and Document Types > (Specify Catalog and Document Type) > Field Lookup Integration
External Data Source
Only configured External Data Source can be setup as a ‘Lookup Table’ or ‘External Data’, which is a table with columns and rows of information so that row data from this Table will automatically populate specific fields in Content Central.
Lookup Items
Set Content Central field(s) to become ‘Lookup Item’ or ‘Key Field’ items and match them to appropriate column(s) in the External Data source.
Field to Populate
Match Content Central Fields to specific columns in the External Data Source and Table, so that these field(s) will be automatically populated with values from the mapped columns in the External Data Table from the same row of the ‘Lookup Item’ value entered.
LOOKUP Feature
Upon clicking on LOOKUP in the Capture Panel or Properties Panel, if the data/index/value entered in the ‘Key Value’ or 'Lookup Item' matches a data in the ‘External Source Lookup Column’, the ‘Field to Populate’ in Content Central will be automatically populated with the data/index/value from the mapped column in the 'External Source Column' based on the matching ‘Key Field’ or 'Lookup Item' value entered.
Steps To Perform Field Look-up in the Capture Page
Login as user with the permission to ADD documents to the specified Catalog and Document Type.
On the Dashboard or Welcome Page, click ‘Menu’ icon, found at the top left portion of the Title Bar of the website, to show the Menu Panel.
In the Menu Items, select ‘Capture New’, ‘Electronic’.
In the Capture Fields Panel, under 'Index Fields', select the option ‘Provide Now’.
In the Capture Fields Panel, select the Catalog and Document Type to add the document to, that has Field Lookup Integration configured.
In the Capture Fields Panel, enter field value for the 'Key Field(s)' (or Lookup Items).
Click ‘Lookup’.
IF there is only 1 (one) look-up item row found in the External Data Source/Table, the configured ‘Field(s) to Populate’ will automatically populate with data from the same row of the ‘Key Field’ valued in the External Data Source/Table.
IF there are multiple look-up item row found in the External Data Source/Table, a window will pop-out. Select from the Multiple Lookup Window. The configured ‘Field(s) to Populate’ will be automatically populated based on the selected item-row in the ‘Multiple Lookup’ Window. Allow pop out window in the browser.
Performing Field Look-up is also possible in the Work Areas Coding Queue or other areas in Content Central while the Document Properties Panel is showing.
- Login as user with the permission to FIELD EDIT documents to the specified Catalog and Document Type.
- Navigate and open a document assigned to a Document Type, that has Field Lookup Integration configured.
- Navigate to the document from the Coding Queue, Power Search Page, Folder Browser, or other Working Areas in Content Central.
- In the Properties Panel, enter field value for the 'Key Field(s)' (or Lookup Items).
- Click ‘Lookup’.
- IF there is only 1 (one) look-up item row found in the External Data Source/Table, the configured ‘Field(s) to Populate’ will automatically populate with data from the same row of the ‘Key Field’ valued in the External Data Source/Table.
- IF there are multiple look-up item row found in the External Data Source/Table, a window will pop-out. Select from the Multiple Lookup Window. The configured ‘Field(s) to Populate’ will be automatically populated based on the selected item-row in the ‘Multiple Lookup’ Window. Allow pop out window in the browser.
- Click "Commit" to save changes.