

This applies to Content Central v7 Document Management System.

Content Central Quicklinks allow direct navigation to Content Central using specific formatted URLs for entry point queries with specific string parameters. When using QuickLinks. users will be prompted to Login.

URL Entry Point - /Search/PowerSearch.aspx

URL Entry Point:
<Your Content Central URL>/Search/PowerSearch.aspx

String Parameters:
c      Name of the Catalog
dt      Name of the Document Type
ft      Full text search string
f1,f2,...,f(n)      Name of the field to search. Begins at f1 and increments to f(n), one for each field to capture. Is tied to the value with the same number.
v1,v2,...,v(n)      Value of the field to use for search. Begins at v1 and increments to v(n), one for each field to capture. Is tied to the field name with the same number.
execute=1      Submit search immediately

Examples of Power Search QuickLink

Example 1:
http://localhost/ContentCentral/Search/PowerSearch.aspx?c=Accounts Payable&ft=Bowman Fabrication&execute=1

This Quicklinks allows to search for "Bowman Fabrication" from the "Accounts Payable" catalog, and automatically displays the Power Search results.
Example 2:
http://localhost/ContentCentral/Search/PowerSearch.aspx?c=Accounts Payable&f1=Vendor Name&v1=Bowman Fabrication&f2=Invoice Number&v2=8734&execute=1

This Quicklinks allows a field values search for Vendor Name "Bowman Fabrication" and Invoice Number "8734" from the "Accounts Payable" catalog, and automatically displays the Power Search results.

URL Entry Point - /Search/Search.aspx

URL Entry Point:
<Your Content Central URL>/Search/Search.aspx

String Parameters:
c      Name of the Catalog
ft      Full text search string

Examples of Search QuickLink

Example 1:
http://localhost/ContentCentral/Search/Search.aspx?c=Accounts Payable&ft=Bowman Fabrication&execute=1

This Quicklinks allows to search for "Bowman Fabrication" from the "Accounts Payable" catalog, and automatically displays the Power Search results.

URL Entry Point - /FolderBrowser/FolderBrowser.aspx

URL Entry Point:
<Your Content Central URL>/FolderBrowser/FolderBrowser.aspx

String Parameters:
c      Name of the Catalog
d1,d2,...,d(n)      Folder names to drill into. Begins at d1 for the first folder in the catalog and increment to d(n), one for each folder to drill into.

Example for Folder Browser QuickLink

Example 1:
http://localhost/ContentCentral/FolderBrowser/FolderBrowser.aspx?c=Accounts Payable&d1=Bowman Fabrication

This Quicklinks navigates to "Bowman Fabrication" under "Accounts Payable" Folder under "Accounts Payable" Catalog Folder.

Example 2:
http://localhost/ContentCentral/FolderBrowser/FolderBrowser.aspx?id=<Insert Document Id Here>
This Quicklinks navigates to document in the Folder Browser with the Document Id inserted. 

URL Entry Point - /Capture/CapturePage.aspx

URL Entry Point:
<Your Content Central URL>/Capture/CapturePage.aspx

String Parameters:
ct       Capture Type: directscan, directscanzonal, qcard, qcardpacket, electronic, form
cm      Coding Method: pre, post, versatile, ocronly, captureonly
c      Name of Catalog to capture to
dt      Name of Document Type to capture to
pt      Name of Packet Template for Capture Type "qcardpacket"
form      Name of Capture Form for Capture Type "form"
f1,f2,...,f(n)      Name of field to capture. Begins at f1 and increments to f(n), one for each field to capture. Is tied to the value with the same number.
v1,v2,...,v(n)      Value of field to capture. Begins at v1 and increments to v(n), one for each field to capture. Is tied to the field name with the same number.
fpc      Fixed page count number
dq      Destination Queue, one of [ personal, shared ]
eod=1      Print End of Document QCard
execute=1      Submit capture immediately

Example for Capture QuickLink

Example 1:

http://localhost/ContentCentral/Capture/CapturePage.aspx?ct=electronic&cm=pre&dt=Invoice&c=Accounts Payable&f1=Vendor Name&v1=Bowman Fabrication&f2=Invoice Number&v2=6723

This Quicklinks navigates automatically to the Capture New > Electronic Page, with the following Capture Options and Field Values pre-selected and populated: Index Field with "Provide Now", Catalog with "Accounts Payable", Document Type with "Invoice", Vendor Name Field with "Bowman Fabrication" and Invoice Number Field with "6723"