"The following Report Templates must be modified or deleted before modifying or deleting this field" Error Message

"The following Report Templates must be modified or deleted before modifying or deleting this field" Error Message

If a user with an Admin account in Content Central attempts to modify a 'Field' within the system via either the "Administration>Global Fields>Global Field Details" section or the "Administration>Catalogs & Document Types>Fields>Field Details" section, but receive the error message below after clicking 'Apply', please attempt the following:

1. Access the "Administration>Report Templates>Template Details" section of the Report Template which the error message indicates must be modified.

2. From the Report Template Details section, you will need to remove the 'Field' from the Output Columns area, located at the very bottom, and click 'Apply' (Please take a screenshot or take note of the position where the 'Field' is located in the Output Columns section, as we will need to add it back again).

3. Now go back to either the "Administration>Global Fields>Global Field Details" section or the "Administration>Catalogs & Document Types>Fields>Field Details" section where the 'Field' information is located and modify the 'Field' as you wish, then click 'Apply' (If the 'Field' was deleted, you can stop at this step).

4.Finally, go back to the "Administration>Report Templates>Template Details" section of the Report Template which you modified in Step 2., you will need to add the 'Field' into the Output Columns area where it was removed, and click 'Apply' (This is where the screenshot or note from Step 2. is helpful, so that the order for the columns of the Report remain the same as before).

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