Workflow to retroactively reconfigure folder and file building

Workflow to retroactively reconfigure folder and file building

Please back up your Content Central database or create a snapshot of your virtual environment before creating this workflow rule.

The workflow rule required to re-run your folder and file building depends on how extensive your folder and file building needs to be re-done. The method used to create this rule is generally the same, however the scope may change depending on how extensive the folder and file building rules are. 

To navigate to the workflow section of content central, log into content central as an Administrator user, and navigate to the following location: 

Administration -> Workflow

The workflow page will appear:

To begin, select the "Triggers" option to build a workflow trigger.

Once on the Workflow triggers page, select the "Add Trigger" option: 

By default the "All Content" Option is selected. This is the portion of the "Type" that we want to change depending on the scope of our refiling. Expanding that drop down menu will show different options, such as Content in a Catalog and Content in a document type.

If you wish to update a single catalog and all document types within that catalog, select "Content in a Catalog".
If you wish to update only a single document type within a single Catalog, select "Content in a Document Type". 

NOTE: If you need to update more than one catalog, or, only specific documents in a document type, multiple workflow rules will need to be created for each catalog or document type you wish to update the folder and file building rules for. 

When selecting the "Content in a Catalog" option, a list with your catalogs will appear. Select the intended catalog to update the folder and file building for.

When selecting "Content in a Document Type", a list with your catalogs and document types will appear. Select the intended Document type to update the folder and file building for. 

Once your selection has been made (Catalog or document type), set the time in which you would like the rule to run using the process interval, hour 0 is 12:00 AM (Server time). The reprocess interval is if you need the rule to run again. For this workflow we only want to run the rule once, so the reprocess interval should be set to 999 years (disabled). 

Click "Apply" to save your workflow trigger. 

Workflow Action: 

To configure your workflow action, navigate back to Administration -> Workflow and navigate to the "Actions" 

Once on the Workflow Actions page, select "Add Action"

Once on the action details page, there will be an option with workflow actions. Depending on how you configured your trigger (Catalog or document type) select the Action that correlates with that particular selection: 

Catalog Selection: 

Document Type Selection:

Ensure that the catalog or document type selected in your workflow action is the SAME catalog or document type selected in your workflow trigger. If it is set to a different catalog or document type than your trigger, all items from the triggers catalog or document type will be moved to the catalog or document type in your action.
The goal of this workflow trigger and action are to move the documents to the same catalog and document type that they currently exist in, only rebuilding the folders. 

Once your action is configured, click "Apply" and navigate back to Administration -> Workflow

Once on the Administration -> Workflow page, navigate to "Rules":

On the workflow rules page, select "Add rule":

On the workflow rule configuration page, select "Add Trigger": 

Select the Content Query trigger that was created in the previous steps.

When you add your trigger to the workflow rule, the "Add Action" option will appear. Select the Add Action option and select your action you configured:

Once the action has been added to your rule, name your rule and click "Apply".

After your rule has been applied the rule will run and refile your documents during the next process interval that was configured in your workflow trigger. After the rule has run one time, you may disable or delete the workflow rule by navigating to Administration -> Workflow -> Rules and clicking the Red X icon associated with your workflow rule, or, you may click the cogwheel icon associated with your workflow rule, and unchecking the "Enabled" option, which will disable the workflow rule until it is re-enabled. 

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